Sunday, August 16, 2009

My First Blog.

Well i can remember about a week ago i was in my car making fun of blog's and bloggers and what i though was the stupidity of it all. A bunch of uniformed people putting out there opinions that are full of contradictions and references to political/hollywood rhetoric that they believe to be true facts. Ha! i could safely say i was more enlightened then most. Aparently not. I feel however I was put here on Al Gore's internet to help men. Like most men i am a man and being a man i know what is important to us. There really are only a few things: good food, a working toilet, sports (I do consider video games a sport. Go play halo for hours on end and tell me your fingers arent sore and your brow is not sweaty), and women. Now The first three are easy for men. Food problems? Go to Buffalo Wild Wings. Stomach problems? Go to the toilet. Bored? Play beer pong! Women problems? Hmm thats a lil tricky. I dont pretend to know all or even alot about women but what i can do is post what i have experienced in every day life. I am currently seeing a beautiful woman who recently has gone through a divorce. Iv seen pictures and iv heard stories and well i am not impressed. The guy is a tool. Bias? Duh. But that doesnt mean its not true. He left her in debt, with bad credit, a big headache and trust issues. I don't bring him up. Ever. And i am certain she apperciates this. However, on the times she does talk about him for what ever reason, maybe its because she is paying for his furniture because her name is still on the paper work or because he spilt beer on the divorce papers and now she has to get them again, I have made a few comments. Not many and not to violent, but ones that let her know that i support her, and that i value her, and that he was and is an idiot. Not to mention no where as good looking as me. I guess what im trying to tell you fellas is this. Wether or not your woman just got out of a bad relationship or just got fired your woman is perfect. you support her. you appericiate her. Tell her this. But please have some class and dont go up to her randomly and say this. Tell her when she needs it. Or be romantic with it. Don't be a tool.

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